Working responsibly


We seek to make a positive difference to society, investing in efforts to support economic and community development. We never forget that it is a privilege to work in any host country, and with its people and communities.

At the same time, we recognise that we must manage and mitigate any potential risks and impacts associated with our activities to support the communities that may be affected by our operations. Respecting and protecting human rights across our operations is a fundamental part of our approach.



Our key environmental objectives are:

  • We seek to make a positive social impact in every area where we operate by working ethically and with integrity.
  • We respect and promote the human rights of individuals, communities and indigenous peoples.
  • We acknowledge the aspirations and concerns of the communities in which we work.

We have identified three material issues that direct our focus within this arena.

Safeguarding Human Rights

In all our business dealings, hirings and practices, respect for human rights is an unshakable guiding principle.

We adhere to all internationally recognised human rights conventions and support the tenets of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

Upholding these rights, and being alert to the risks that threaten them, demands both constant vigilance and effective communications to every colleague. Human Rights and Modern Slavery training is provided to all of our employees, highlighting our zero tolerance of modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. 

Supporting & Safeguarding Local Communities

Our commitment to operating responsibly is fundamental to our ethos and includes supporting, protecting and engaging with our local communities. We also conduct Social Impact Assessments to analyse the potential impact our operations may have on a community. We want to demonstrate participation and contribution to the social and economic fabric of those communities, engaging with them to understand their needs, while helping a number of community projects with resources and financial support.

Investing in Local Skills, Recruitment & Procurement

We are committed to investing in local skills, recruitment and procurement, helping make a positive impact to the economies of communities we work within. This includes providing employment opportunities for local people that not only supports Capricorn’s immediate needs but gives those individuals skills and experience to use throughout their working life. We also have a number of programmes to provide University students with access to the skills and education they need and/or financial assistance to support them on their courses.

Case Study

Supporting local communities in the Western Desert

The Western Desert is a remote and harsh environment, which presents challenges for communities who are mostly reliant on subsistence agriculture, do not have access to mains water supply and are without any local healthcare provision.

As part of Capricorn’s CSR to support its operational activities in the Western Desert, Capricorn developed and implemented a Social Impact assessment study, Stakeholder Engagement Plan, and Social Needs Assessment for Communities, that have been  identified as proximal to one of our operated concession areas.

Capricorn Egypt engaged with the identified local communities and their community elders over the course of several meetings to explore how best Capricorn could offer support. This deep engagement with the local communities led to the development of a comprehensive social investment plan with input and support from the Ministry of Petroleum, the EGPC, the  Matrouh Governorate, and the Al Orman NGO Association.

The local communities of Galala and Swani Samalous are mostly supported by subsistence farming; therefore the developed social investment plan also included the donation of 50 livestock and the construction of 10 pigeoncotes, in addition to the provision of 12 veterinary convoys, providing an opportunity for locals to bring in their livestock to receive veterinary care and vaccinations.

To enhance the longer-term sustainability of the project, we give vocational training on how to maintain the donated rain harvest wells in addition to basic veterinary care for livestock.

Capricorn’s CSR investment is aligned to the below UN SDGs as per the Paris Agreement. The project continues to receive our support and we hope to extend the programme to a further village in 2024.


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What we’ve provided
In 2023, Capricorn Egypt embarked on a flagship CSR project, investing $240,000 to implement the wideranging social investment plan
focused on the two villages of Swani Samalous and Galala.

KPIs included funding 12 medical convoys to bring essential healthcare to the identified local communities. Medical convoys offered examinations, medication, radiology, blood tests and other essential services.

During 2023, medical care from these convoys was provided to more than 2,000 people from the Swani Samalos and Galal communities.

Furthermore, our funding enabled the construction of 100m3 rainwater harvesting wells, 30 in Galal and 18 in Swani Samalous to improve the community’s drought and famine resilience.

Our social contribution in Suriname 2023

NATIN Renovation project and asbestos removal

During 2023, Capricorn supported the urgent renovation works of a classroom block within the Institute for Natural Resource and Engineering Studies (NATIN), in Suriname. The proposed scope of work included an internal and external refurbishment of the classrooms, including the procurement of a new roof and guttering rainwater drainage system, the current being the cause of significant water ingress and damage.

Asbestos was identified by contractors sponsored by another oil and gas company, who are also supporting the redevelopment of the Natin Institute. The asbestos discovery triggered a full site assessment of the institute’s buildings with a prioritised removal plan. Capricorn therefore opted to split its CSR contributions to prioritise the removal of asbestos from NATIN's premises.

After completion of the asbestos removal, Capricorn’s remaining CSR contributions will go towards part funding the renovation and replacement of the multi-storey classroom block.

NATIN equipment upgrade phase two
As part of Capricorn’s ongoing support of NATIN, funding was also provided to allow the provision of up-to-date curricular material in addition to a range of classroom-based educational and health and safety equipment.

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Mangrove rehabilitation phase two
For the last three years. we have worked with Suriname’s Anton de Kom University on a major mangrove rehabilitation project. This is designed to protect a section of coastline just north of Paramaribo that is particularly at risk from rising sea levels and erosion.
We have been progressing a second phase of the project in collaboration with a local international oil company, with combined investment of around $150,000. The project enables a hands-on case study for students to learn the concepts of hydrogeology and coastline ecosystems, in addition to experiencing the challenges and importance of protecting local communities and infrastructure from increasing sea levels and storm surges.

We have also supported the project with remote sensing data and satellite imagery to monitor the rehabilitation over time, and to inform future mangrove planting.

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