We aim to create value for our stakeholders. We do this through a diverse portfolio of exploration, development and production assets.
We have explored, discovered, developed and produced oil and gas in a variety of locations throughout the world as an operator and partner in all stages of the oil and gas lifecycle.
In creating value, we do not compromise our Corporate Responsibility (CR) standards.
Delivering value in a safe, secure, environmentally and socially responsible manner for our stakeholders is a key part of our strategy.
At the heart of this is our culture, which is based around a commitment to working responsibly. We measure our ability to work responsibly through our Key Performance Indicators, one of which (‘Maintain licence to operate’) is dedicated to working responsibly. It is also measured through our people management process, which incorporates certain behaviours identified as critical to ensuring this culture exists.
A culture based on working responsibly means having the right values, principles and policies in place, that they are embedded throughout the organisation in our systems and processes and that they are upheld by our people.
Our core values, which are known as the 3Rs, are the foundation of our culture, and stand for building respect, nurturing relationships and acting responsibly.
The behaviours we expect from our people are based on the 3Rs and are known as our High Performance Behaviours. They identify the behaviours we expect to see exhibited by our people in everything that we do, day to day.
They are: